We are a group of volunteers, serving the community since 1973 by organising musical entertainment in Henley Town Hall. These events are supported by Henley Rotary Club and are held once a month on Sunday afternoons through the Winter months of October to April. The concerts take place in the splendid main hall with its rounded ceiling, stained glass windows and amazing atmosphere.
A variety of visiting musicians are invited to come along and play our wonderful Allen MDR3 organ. They provide afternoons of musical entertainment, ranging from classical, musical theatre, pop from various eras, to music from shows and TV. Details of the upcoming concerts are on our diary page.
Doors open at 2:30pm for a 3pm start and a usual finish time of 5:30. Tickets cost £10, payable on the door (cash only), and include tea and biscuits available free during the interval. To be sure of your seat, and to pay by card, you can book online in advance.
As well as being supported by Henley Rotary club, we also support the Thames Valley Air Ambulance by holding a raffle during each concert.